Installation of topdrawer on FreeBSD: ===================================== Source:, The distributed topdrawer binary and ugs library were compiled with gcc- and g77- on FreeBSD-2.2.2. Step 1: Building the UGS library (with g77) ------------------------------------------- The lang/g77- port/package in the FreeBSD collection does NOT do the job. The least tedious attempt to work around this (current) problem is to install lang/egcs from the FreeBSD ports, and use its g77 command. Install with 'make PREFIX=/usr/local install' or similar to not overwrite the OS versions of gcc, g++ in /usr/bin. The backdraw is that egcs's snap-shot compilers are based on release gcc-2.8.0 and g77-0.5.21, which are are not yet tested thoroughly. Make sure that you actually use these commands during compilation ('which g77 gcc'). select '#define FreeBSDArchitecture' in Imakefile.def xmkmf -a make clean (if necessary) make all I got the error 'virtual memory exhausted' during compilation of ugdupl.f. If this happens execute the tcsh command 'unlimit datasize' before you start compiling. Execute the test programs 'tryxw', 'tryps', 'trytek' in dir 'test' Step 2: Building Topdrawer (with f2c) ------------------------------------- Will need bash and gawk, if necessary install from the FreeBSD ports collection: shells/bash japanese/jp-gawk The f77 interface to f2c that comes with FreeBSD-2.2.2 does NOT do the job, thus save it by 'mv /usr/bin/f77 /usr/bin/f77.system' and Get f77reorder-2.27.tar.gz (or newer) from unpack in tmp dir go to top level do './configure' modify libf77/Makefile: substitute 'ar' options 'rvs' with 'rv' (same as in Imakefile.def) modify first line in test/testscript to '#! /usr/local/bin/bash' do 'make install' in top level dir this installs a new f77 command (a shell script) in /usr/bin and the library libf77.a in /usr/lib modify the first line of f77, substitute '/bin/sh' with '/usr/local/bin/bash' Now, unpack topdrawer.tar.gz and move to toplevel dir select '#define FreeBSDArchitecture' in Imakefile.def define where you put the UGS library, e.g. UGS = /home/local/lib/ugs.a modify file src/t2xfrm.f around line 860 by moving the empty line like this: IMPLICITREAL*4 (A-H, O-Z) INTEGER NMAX PARAMETER (NMAX=50) ! MAX NUMBER OF TERMS DIMENSION ARRAY(N,N) DIMENSION IK(NMAX),JK(NMAX) (else f77reorder complains about wrong order) Finally do: xmkmf -a make clean (if necessary) make all ---------------------------------------------- Nikolas Kauer,, Mar 7 1998