AxKit/App/TABOO version 0.5


AxKit::App::TABOO is a object oriented approach to creating a
publishing system on the top of AxKit, the XML Application Server. 
The two O's thus stands for Object Oriented, AB for AxKit-Based. 
I don't know what the T stands for yet, suggestions are welcome! 

It is a fundamental design choice with TABOO that all data is to be
abstracted to objects. I noticed while looking at other people's code,
that though it was a lot of interesting code, it would be rather hard
to integrate all the interesting parts into a coherent whole.
Furthermore, everybody has their own way of storing data, and
scattered files or different databases didn't seem right to me.

With TABOO, everything that interacts with AxKit just interacts with
the Data objects. That means, if you don't want to store things in the
PostgreSQL database my Data objects use, you could always subclass it,
rewrite the classes or whatever. You would mostly just have to rewrite
the load method. It is also the Data object's job to create XML of its
own data.

The intention is to write Data objects for every kind of thing you
might want to do. From the start, there will be Slashdot-type stories
of varying length, with comments. These are ever-changing in the sense
that people can come in an add comments at any time. The other thing
we start out with is more static and longer articles.

It is the intention, however, that TABOO should be a framework where
one can add a Wiki, a webshop (which is a work now in progress, some
code was in earlier distros but has been removed now), etc. The
AxKit::App::TABOO::User class will then be reused and probably
subclassed with e.g. a Customer class (now being done), but the
datasource will be the same.

TABOO makes extensive use of Providers. That is mostly because I like
the abstraction and direct control of URIs that Providers provide. It
makes it easy to create a framework where URIs are sensible and should
be easy to maintain for foreseeable future. Also, there is no markup
in the code, that's also rather important to make it maintainable.

For the stuff that goes into the database, OTOH, XSP is used, and
several taglibs are used.

J. Shirley has now provided some more cascading stylesheets, and they
have been extended by the main developer, so there is a style for
pretty much everything now.

0.1 was the first beta release. It is pretty much a useable framework
for posting news-stories. It consists mainly of News and NewsList
providers that constructs objects, instruct them to load their data
based on the URI, get them to write their own XML, and pass this to
some XSLT stylesheets, which makes some presentable XHTML. There are
also several XSP taglibs, and quite a lot of XSP pages and XSL
Transformations are now included in the distribution. There is also
some user-management code, including authentication and authorization,
to allow adding new users and editing the information of existing

TABOO can run on different virtual hosts and operate on different

It uses TinyMCE to allow WYSIWYG entered
text in textfields. This results in an incompatible change to older
versions, and the data needs to be converted. A script is included,
look inside to see how to use it.

I'm following the mantra "release early", and have made everything
I've done available from the start. Several fine folks have poked at
it, and I love that, feel free to poke some more! 


To install this module use CPAN or CPANPLUS tools or type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

There are various things that should be done to the get the rest
running, such as copying over the htdocs and creating the database,
see inline docs for details.


You will need at least Perl 5.7.3 to use TABOO. This is due to
Unicode-issues that is not well supported in earlier releases.

This module requires these other modules and libraries:
- AxKit, of course!
- DBD::Pg. You need at least 1.32. Earlier versions has problems with 
  SQL3 Arrays, but it may be possible to get away with it.  
- Encode, 2.09 is needed.
- Time::Piece
- Class::Data::Inheritable
- AxKit::XSP::QueryParam
- Text::Unaccent and IDNA::Punycode is used to ensure proper names.
- Session for the object oriented approach to Apache Sessions
- Crypt::GeneratePassword for generating passwords to send to users.
- AxKit::XSP::Sendmail to send e-mail to new users.
- MIME::Types.
- Apache::AxKit::Plugin::AddXSLParams::Request for virtual hosts, but
  it is easy to remove this dependency if one wishes.
- Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Param::Expr.
- Data::Dumper lists out debugging information, but can be removed. 
- AxKit will bring along XML::LibXML, and while you could use any
  LibXSLT module supported by AxKit, I recommend XML::LibXSLT, and to
  ease installation, I made it a prerequisite.  
- Net::Akismet may be used, but is not strictly required. 
- You'd most certainly want a few Formatters, the
  Apache::AxKit::Provider::File::Formatter and the OpenOffice
  Provider, but they are not set as prerequisites.

You will need TinyMCE, which should be
unpacked and Aliased so that the jscripts directory is just after the

You will also need some XML libraries, for example libxml2 and
libxslt. You will probably have gotten these along with AxKit. TABOO
should be able to use any AxKit uses, with the exception that it makes
use of some self-defined EXSLT, so you'll need a library that supports

Additionally, you may experience that the installation hangs on
wanting DB_File. I believe this is a bug in some other package, but I
haven't nailed it down yet. Just install DB_File and you'll be fine.


TABOO is currently maintained in a Subversion repository. The trunk
can be checked out anonymously using e.g.:

  svn checkout TABOO  

It is also available using svn+ssh for committers.


There is a list you can subscribe to at

Beware that TABOO is in development, so it is not yet software that
you just install and use. For those who likes the design goals, and
likes to continue development along these lines, I think they will
find it so usable it is worth an install.


Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Kjetil Kjernsmo. This program is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.