NAME Scene::Graph - A Two-Dimensional Scene Graph DESCRIPTION This is a pure-perl implementation of scene graph. It allows the creation of scenes of nodes with translations. The scene may then be traversed using Scene::Graph::Traverser. It allows iteration over a flat array of cloned nodes with all applicable transformations applied. SYNOPSIS use Scene::Graph::Node; use Scene::Graph::Traverser; my $box = Scene::Graph::Node->new; my $thing1 = Scene::Graph::Node->new; my $thing2 = Scene::Graph::Node->new; $box->add_child($thing1); $box->add_child($thing2); my $traverser = Scene::Graph::Traverser->new(scene => $thing); while(my $node = $traverser->next) { # 1st is box, then thing1 and finally thing2 } AUTHOR Cory G Watson, C<< <gphat at> >> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2010 Cold Hard Code, LLC. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.