NAME RDF::Simple
        This package is for very simple manipulations
        of RDF/XML serialisations of RDF graphs. 
        It consists of:

        Please consult the individual pod for these packages.
        The parser requires XML::SAX,
        The serialiser requires Template Toolkit (Template)

        Also provided is RDF::Simple::NS,
        a utility class for XML namespaces in RDF

        The aim here is to keep things Simple: 
        e.g., the parser doesn't differentiate between
        literal and resource values in the model
        All you get back is a bucket-o-triples
        (array of arrays)
        The serialiser does its best to do DWYM.

        If you want a more complex and involved RDF API,
        I'd suggest looking at RDF::Core
        or at the redland RDF application toolkit
        This is an early alpha release, and likely contains bugs.
        Please report them!
        Jo Walsh <>

        This package and its contents are available 
        under the same terms as perl itself