%% filename: amsfndoc.fnt
%% version: 2.2c
%% date: 2001/11/16
%% American Mathematical Society
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%% Copyright 1994, 2001, 2009 American Mathematical Society.
%% Unlimited copying and redistribution of this file are permitted as
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%% ====================================================================
\newcount\curchar \newcount\currow \newcount\curcol
\newdimen\indexwd \newdimen\tempcellwd
\setbox0\hbox{\tentt 0\kern.2em}

\def\hexnumber#1{\ifcase\expandafter\ident\expandafter{\number#1} 0\or
1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or 8\or 9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or
F\else ?\fi}

\def\colnumber{\tentt\hexnumber\curcol \global\advance\curcol 1 }

%    Note that the cyrillic short I has an unexpected height of more than
%    8.5pt, and is thus centered vertically rather than aligned on the
%    baseline; this has been reported as a bug, and may be fixed sometime.
  \box0 \global\advance\curchar1 }

%    For these charts we avoid \offinterlineskip as that makes for
%    problems when cells have unusual height or depth. Instead the
%    vertical rules in the charts are added after the total height of
%    the chart is know.
  \global\curchar=0 \global\currow=0 \global\curcol=0
  \def\hline{\kern2pt\hrule\kern3pt }%
% 16 cols for chars + 2 for row numbers + 12pt space for 5 vrules
    \def\0{\hbox to\cellwd{\curcol}{\hss\charnumber\hss}}%
%    Now that we know the total height, we can add the vertical rules.
    \hbox to\hsize{\kern\indexwd
      \def\fullrule{\hfil\vrule height\ht0 depth\dp0\hfil}%
    \kern-\ht0 \kern-\dp0 \unvbox0}%

\def\colnumbers{\hbox to\hsize{\global\curcol 0
  \def\1{\hbox to\cellwd{\curcol}{\hfil\colnumber\hfil}}%
  \1\1\1\1\hfil\hfil \1\1\1\1\hfil\hfil
  \1\1\1\1\hfil\hfil \1\1\1\1\hfil\hfil

\def\setrow{\hbox to\hsize{%
  \hbox to\indexwd{\hfil\rownumber\kern.2em}\hfil\hfil
  \0\0\0\0\hfil\hfil \0\0\0\0\hfil\hfil
  \0\0\0\0\hfil\hfil \0\0\0\0\hfil\hfil
  \hbox to\indexwd{\tentt\kern.2em \rownumber\hfil}}%
  \global\advance\currow 1 }%

\def\cellwd#1{20pt}% initialize

%    This is supposed to help tailor cell widths to a specific font;
%    but at the moment just make all cells the same width.
%    [mjd,20-Dec-1994]
  \tempcellwd\hsize \advance\tempcellwd-2\indexwd
%     Space for vrules:
  \advance\tempcellwd -12pt
  \divide\tempcellwd 16

\def \table #1#2#3{\par\penalty-200 \bigskip
  \font #1=#2 \relax
    \centerline{#3 -- {\tt#2}}%



\noindent {\bf Note:} Row and column numbers are hexadecimal.

\table \tenmsam{msam10}{Extra symbols, group 1, medium weight}
\table \tenmsbm{msbm10}{Extra symbols, group 2, medium weight}
\table \teneufm{eufm10}{Euler Fraktur medium weight}
\table \teneurm{eurm10}{Euler cursive (roman) medium weight}
\table \teneusm{eusm10}{Euler script medium weight}
\table \teneuex{euex10}{Euler-compatible extension font}
\table \tencyr{wncyr10}{Cyrillic, medium weight}
\table \tencyi{wncyi10}{Italic Cyrillic, medium weight}
\table \tencsc{cmcsc10}{Computer Modern caps and small caps}
\table \tenmib{cmmib10}{Computer Modern bold math italic}
\table \tenbsy{cmbsy10}{Computer Modern bold math symbols}
\table \tenex{cmex10}{Computer Modern math extension font}
