amsfonts.bug [2009/06/22]

History of bug reports and fixes for the AMSFonts collection

Please direct bug reports or related questions to the AMS technical
support address: (or by phone: 401-455-4080;
in the USA or Canada, 1-800-321-4267 ext 4080).

Open bugs:
File:, other cm*.mf
Date reported: 2000/04/12 (Boguslaw Jackowski)

Numerous instances where parameters violate vol. e diktat that thin_join
and others must be greater or equal to crisp/tiny/fine.

Date reported: 2000/01/28 (Walter Schmidt)

"computational overflow" in Metafont for high res (mode=linolttz = 3386dpi)
line         if pixels_per_inch*designsize < 1500:
should be    if pixels_per_inch < 1500/designsize:
rounding may be different at low resolutions

Date reported: 1998/11/20 (Benedikt Loewe)

\Game ("The Reversed inverted letter G", oct"141") should be a G rotated
180\degrees, not inverted.

Date reported: 1997/09/26 (Ulrik Vieth)

digamma ("stylized F", oct"172") is not affected by parameter changes.
Elliptical pen defined in terms of rule_thickness should be redefined in
terms of CM parameters.

Hebrew letters beth, gimel, daleth also don't seem to be affected by
parameter changes (unlike the aleph from cmsy10).

File: cmbsy*.mf
Date reported: 1997/08/31 (Matthias Clasen) latexbug amslatex/2593

In, crisp#:=11pt#, should be crisp#:=11/36pt#.
Affects spacing around vertical arrows.

Date reported: 1997/01/14 (barbara beeton)

Letter "short I" is excessively high; this is demonstrated in AMSFonts
User's Guide chart, where it is centered rather than on baseline because
it exceeds the expected height (wncyr, wncyi).

Date reported: 1996/06/24 (Ernst Reissner)

Hebrew letter gimel lacks the notch at lower right, and thus has the shape
of the letter nun.

Date reported: 1996/02/15 (Frank Jensen)

There are no real characters associated with positions oct"100", oct"101"
so TeX reports "missing character" for
  extensible oct"100": oct"070",0,oct"073",oct"076";  % left moustache
  extensible oct"101": oct"071",0,oct"072",oct"076";  % left moustache
This could be cured by changing these as follows:
  extensible oct"074": oct"070",0,oct"073",oct"076";  % left moustache
  extensible oct"075": oct"071",0,oct"072",oct"076";  % left moustache
Because Metafont shouldn't permit this, bug should be submitted to DEK.

Date reported: 1995/07/21 (Denis B. Roegel)

Letter \Bbb N has the wrong shape at certain resolutions; presumably the
result of a typo in the definition of leftserif@ :
           if ypart A>ypart B:reverse fi
should be  if ypart A>ypart Bl:reverse fi

File: amssymb.sty
Date reported: 1995/03/28 (Andreas Amann) latexbug amslatex/1524

Braces (from cmex) in \small environment are larger than those in \normalsize.


VERSION 3.0 RELEASED: 2009/03/21
Note: This release does not affect any .mf sources; all shape changes made
 directly in Type 1 files.  Also, some updates made to the Plain TeX and
 LaTeX support.
Date reported: 1997/11/01 (Matthias Clasen) latexbug amslatex/2657

Wrong glyph dimensions:
   Depth of letter Y in eusm, can be fixed by replacing
         charbegin( "Y", 2006h#, capheight*v#, baseline );
   with  charbegin( "Y", 2006h#, capheight*v#, 2/3descender*v# );
Other glyphs with suspicious dimensions: -- character 120 (smss) -- letter j -- character 125 (gm175)

Corrected: 2008/01/19  eu*.mf superseded by new Type 1
Version: 3.0
Date reported: 1995/10/14 (Christian Schwarz)

Rule for minus is too thin; it disappears on previewer.

Corrected: 2008/01/19  eu*.mf superseded by new Type 1
Version: 3.0

VERSION 2.2d RELEASED: 2002/01/22
Note: This release does not affect any .mf sources or the fonts themselves;
 it updates only the Plain TeX and LaTeX support.
File: all .dtx./sty and .fdd/.fd files (LaTeX support)
Date reported: 1998/03/06

Reported versions and dates do not match header information.

Corrected: 2001/10/18
Version: various 2.2 sub-versions
File: amssymb.sty
Date reported: 1997/09/06 (T. Michniewski) latexbug amslatex/2596

Conflict: \lll defined in polish.ldf to be suppressed l.
Add documentation suggesting reordering of packages to avoid error message.

Addressed: 2001/10/01
Added documentation to amsfonts.faq on how to avoid the error
File: amssymb.sty

Double-quote character may be active (e.g., if german.sty is loaded first),
in conflict with the hex value input to \DeclareMathSymbol.  Change it to
\catcode=12 for the duration.

Corrected: 2002/01/22
Version: 2.2d
File: cmmib57.sty
Date reported: 1999/01/04 (Walter Schmidt) latexbug amslatex/2935

Changed font shape from bx to b for both cmmib and cmbsy.

Corrected: 2001/10/01
Version: 2.2g
File: cyracc.def
Date reported: 1997/09/04 (Tomasz Michniewski)

Add documentation to the header that says this file is for use only with
plain TeX, not LaTeX.  Latexbug amslatex/2597 reported that this does not
work with babel, but it was never designed to.

Corrected: 2001/10/01
Version: 2.2b (no version change)

VERSION 2.2c RELEASED: 1996/11/07
File: amsfonts.sty
Date reported: 1996/03/03 (Joerg Knappen) latexbug amslatex/2096

\Bbb, \frak and \bold caused endless loop (in titles, not in ordinary text)
owing to a misdefinition of \@obsolete; fixed by making these robust commands
with one argument.

Corrected: 1996/11/03
Version: 2.2c
File: amsfonts.sty
Date reported: 1995/02/02 (Piet van Oostrum) latexbug amslatex/1415
               1995/04/07 (Klaus Barthel)

Symbols in lasy (latexsym.sty) not defined except in compatibility mode:
\leadsto, \Box, \Diamond, ...

Corrected: 1996/11/03
Version: 2.2c
File: amsfonts.sty
Date reported: 30-Jan-1995 (G. Gratzer)

Complications with the `cmex10' option of the amsmath package---sensitive
to relative loading order with the amsfonts package.

Corrected: 1-Feb-1995
Version: 2.2b
File: amssymb.sty
Date reported: 30-Jan-1995 (mjd)

The psamsfonts option was missing.

Corrected: 1-Feb-1995
Version: 2.2a
File: amsfonts.sty
Date reported: 30-Jan-1995 (C. Jonsson)

Missing definition of \@mathmeasure in amsfonts.dtx/sty.

Corrected: 30-Jan-1995
Version: 2.2a

VERSION 2.2 RELEASED: January 27, 1995
File: cmmib*.mf
Date reported: 13 Jul 1993

The values of "crisp" in cmmib*.mf (except are incorrect: The
values are whole numbers which should be divided by 36 (as the values for
cmmib10 and cmmib9 are). 

Corrected: 3-Jan-1995
Version: 2.2
File: amssym.tex
Date reported: 1-Jul-1992 (M. Spivak)

\diagup and \diagdown should be class 0 instead of class 3.

Corrected: 22-Dec-1994 mjd
Version: 2.2
File: amssym.def
Date reported: 14-Mar-1993 (bnb)

Space at the end of \mathhexbox@ calls is wrong. Doesn't disappear if
used outside of math mode.

\def\yen{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@55 }}
\def\checkmark{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@58 }}
\def\circledR{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@72 }}
\def\maltese{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@7A }}

Corrected: 22-Dec-1994 mjd
Version: 2.2
Date reported: 11-MAY-1993 

Blackboard Bold N breaks down at certain resolutions, noticeably at 600dpi.

Corrected: 12-Dec-1994 ngb
Version: 2.2
Reported:  19-NOV-1991  wncy*.tfm, wncy?.mf
Reported by:  Piet Tutelaers (

In the cyrillic fonts, the ligature commands for e0 and i0 are reversed
(i0 produces \"e and e0 produces \u\i).  For an interim fix, the .tfm
files can be run through TFtoPL, changes made in the .pl files to the
affected ligature instructions, and the .pl files run through PLtoTF.
Thomas Ridgeway notified 23-DEC-1991 (bnb).

Corrected: 26-Aug-93
Version: 2.1a
Reported:  12-DEC-1991  
File: userdoc.tex

p. 21, under "negated arrows", \leftarrow should be \nleftarrow.
Reference number (now 2320) should be 2338, and arrow should be slashed.

Corrected: 24-DEC-1991  bnb
Version: 2.1b
Reported:  22-SEP-1991   

Euler fonts generate characters at the wrong height when the aspect
ratio is not 1. John Hobby suggested a fix which NGB inserted at the top
of the file. 

Corrected: 5-NOV-1991   NGB
Version: 2.1a
Reported: 27-SEP-1991   xbbold characters

There is an incompatibility between the code for Blackboard Bold and the
code in Karl Berry's The result is that characters generated with a
magnification other than \magstep0 come out larger than they should.

Corrected: 15-OCT-1991  NGB
Version:  2.1a
Reported: 17-SEP-1991 (euex)

Integral signs appear slanted; in Euler they should be upright.
NGB consulted John Hobby, who provided instructions which corrected
the problem.

Corrected: 25-SEP-1991  NGB
Version: 2.1a