Using Linotype Palatino with Latex

This package contains everything you need (apart from
the fonts themselves) to use Linotype Palatino in your
Latex documents.

The Truetype version of Linotype Palatino contains a 
much larger character set than earlier (Postscript) 
versions of Palatino, including Greek, Cyrillic and 
small caps in all weights and  shapes. 
It is distributed with Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP.


Using these fonts in your Latex documents is as easy as 

    \usepackage{palatinox}      (*)

somewhere in the preamble of your document (but note 
that they should be used with Pdftex, not with normal
Tex; most dvi-drivers don't support Truetype fonts).

(*) It's named `palatinox' to avoid confusion with
    the `palatino' package in the PSNFSS bundle.

The package `palatinox' takes two possible options:

- lining    Use lining figures
- oldstyle  Use oldstyle figures (this is the default).

The fonts are only available in T1 and TS1 encodings; 
the `palatinox' package automatically sets up these 
encodings for you by including the `fontenc' and 
`textcomp' packages.
The obsolete OT1 encoding, which unfortunately is still
Latex's default, is not supported.


encodings  family  series  shape(s)
T1         lplx    m, b    n, it, sc, ic (*)
T1         lplj    m, b    n, it, sc, ic
TS1        lplx    m, b    n, it
TS1        lplj    m, b    n, it

(*) ic = Italic (small) Caps

The TS1-encoded fonts are incomplete; many symbols in this
encoding are specific to the Computer Modern fonts. The
euro symbol (\texteuro), however, is included.