This file belongs to the TOIL package | Ten plik nale/zy do pakietu TOIL This package is public domain | Pakiet stanowi dobro powszechne For more info see `0TOILENG.LIC' | Wi/ecej informacji w ,,0TOILPOL.LIC'' ============================================================================ This is a CONFIG file for the Type One Install utiLity (TOIL, ver. 1.05) ============================================================================ Pay attention to the following four settings---they're ENVIRONMENT-DEPENDENT: T1PSTREE .;..;lofo;c:/psfonts!! | a set of directories where | Type 1 fonts are to be searched for; | emTeX ``exclam''-convention | was adopted: an exclamation mark | ending a directory means searching | one level deeper; two exclamation | marks mean serching through all | subdirectories USE_DIGIT_KPX 0 | 0 causes that all kern pairs (KPX lines in AFM) | containing at least one name of a digit will | be ignored; 1 means that only KPX lines | referring to two digit names will be ignored; | 2 means that all KPX lines will be taken into | account; following Knuth's Computer Modern | family of typefaces, 0 was chosen as default LC_PSF_NAME 0 | lowercase PS font name (in the resulting PSFONTS.MAP) UC_TFM_NAME 0 | uppercase TFM name (in the resulting PSFONTS.MAP) | remark: lc-ing and uc-ing is a MSDOS-oriented | idiosyncrasy of ``BOP'' s.c. The following six settings are also ENVIRONMENT-DEPENDENT: RES_MAP_DIR lofo | target MAP file directory RES_TFM_DIR lofo | target TFM file directory RES_ENC_DIR lofo | target ENC file directory RES_ENC_EXT .enc | default ENC file extension RES_ENC_PFX | prefix of the ENC file name to be prepended | to the ENC name in the MAP file | (you may prefer to have it empty) RES_PSF_PFX *PSF_DIR* | prefix of the PostScript font (PFB/PFA) file name | to be prepended to the PFB/PFA name in the MAP file | (as previously, you may prefer to have it empty) In general, you may prefer a modest version: | RES_TFM_DIR . | RES_MAP_DIR . | RES_ENC_DIR . | RES_ENC_PFX | RES_PSF_PFX or you may prefer a sophisticated one: | RES_TFM_DIR *AFM_DIR*/../tfm | RES_MAP_DIR *AFM_DIR*/../map | RES_ENC_DIR *AFM_DIR*/../enc | RES_ENC_PFX | RES_PSF_PFX DVIPS_PATH <TEXCONFIG> | <...> means referring to a system | environment variable; DVIPS_PATH, in fact, | locates (main) PSFONTS.MAP (and CONFIG.PS | but it doesn't matter) DVIPS_MAP | DVIPS convention USER_MAP | let's follow DVIPS convention... | USER_MAP *MF_NAME*.map | ... or not USE_GLB_MAP 1 | use global font map, unless local one | hasn't been found DEL_MF_FILE 1 | remove temporary (local) MF file DEL_MF_LOG 1 | remove temporary (local) LOG file QUIET 0 | 1 means writing messages to the terminal ============================================================================ Only the lines beginning with key-words (leading blanks are ignored) are taken into account. A broken bar | means a beginning of a comment (a hash and a percent are valid characters in MS DOS names). Objects surrouned with less-greater braces, e.g., <TEXCONFIG>, refer to system environment variables; objects surrouned with asterisks, e.g., *AFM_DIR*, refer to internal variables; at present, the following references of this kind are allowed: *AFM_DIR*, *PSF_DIR*, *FONT_NAME*, *ENC_NAME*, *MF_NAME*. The names of the key-words are expected to be long enough to be self-explaining in most cases; if not, trailing comments should suffice.