## $Id$ ## Makefile.am for the TeX Live subdirectory texk/upmendex/ ## ## Copyright 2015-2019 Karl Berry <tex-live@tug.org> ## Copyright 2010-2015 Peter Breitenlohner <tex-live@tug.org> ## You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. ## AM_CPPFLAGS = $(KPATHSEA_INCLUDES) $(ICU_INCLUDES) AM_CFLAGS = $(WARNING_CFLAGS) bin_PROGRAMS = upmendex upmendex_SOURCES = \ convert.c \ exkana.h \ exvar.h \ fread.c \ fwrite.c \ kana.h \ kp.c \ kp.h \ main.c \ mendex.h \ version.h \ pageread.c \ qsort.c \ qsort.h \ sort.c \ styfile.c \ var.h # Force Automake to use CXXLD for linking nodist_EXTRA_upmendex_SOURCES = dummy.cxx $(upmendex_OBJECTS): $(KPATHSEA_DEPEND) $(ICU_DEPEND) LDADD = $(KPATHSEA_LIBS) $(ICU_LIBS) $(PTHREAD_LIB) $(ICU_LIBS_EXTRA) ## Rebuild libkpathsea @KPATHSEA_RULE@ ## Rebuild libsicuxxx @ICU_RULE@ EXTRA_DIST = \ COPYRIGHT ## Eventually delete these files ## EXTRA_DIST += \ indexsty \ upmendex.ja.txt ## Tests ## TESTS = tests/upmendex.test \ tests/pprec.test \ tests/nest.test \ tests/icu.test EXTRA_DIST += $(TESTS) ## tests/upmendex.test EXTRA_DIST += tests/foo.idx tests/foo.ind \ tests/uni.idx tests/uni.dict tests/uni.ist \ tests/uni1.ist tests/uni2.ist tests/uni.ind \ tests/tort.idx tests/tortW.idx tests/head1.ist \ tests/ok-tort.ind tests/ok-tort2.ind DISTCLEANFILES = foo.* uni.* tort*.* ## tests/pprec.test EXTRA_DIST += tests/range.idx \ tests/range1.ist tests/range2.ist tests/range3.ist \ tests/range1.ind tests/range2.ind tests/range3.ind \ tests/pprec0.ist tests/pprec1.ist tests/pprec2.ist tests/pprec3.ist \ tests/pprec4.ist tests/pprec5.ist tests/pprec6.ist tests/pprec7.ist \ tests/pprecA.idx tests/pprecA-0.ind tests/pprecA-1.ind tests/pprecA-2.ind \ tests/pprecB.idx tests/pprecB-0.ind tests/pprecB-3.ind tests/pprecB-4.ind \ tests/romalpA.idx tests/romalpA-5.ind tests/romalpA-6.ind \ tests/romalpB.idx tests/romalpB-5.ind tests/romalpB-6.ind tests/romalpB-7.ind \ tests/romalpC.idx tests/romalpC-5.ind \ tests/romalpD.idx tests/romalpD-5.ind tests/romalpD-6.ind tests/romalpD-7.ind DISTCLEANFILES += range*.* pprec*.* romalp*.* ## tests/nest.test EXTRA_DIST += tests/nested3.ist tests/nested3.ind \ tests/nested.ist tests/nested.ind \ tests/toodeep.idx DISTCLEANFILES += nested*.* toodeep*.* ## tests/icu.test EXTRA_DIST += tests/locale1.ist tests/locale2.ist tests/locale3.ist tests/rule.idx \ tests/attr1.ist tests/attr1.ind tests/locale1.ind \ tests/locale2-rule.ind tests/locale3-rule.ind \ tests/rule1.ist tests/rule2.ist tests/rule3.ist tests/rule4.ist rule.ind DISTCLEANFILES += locale*.* attr*.* rule*.*