%% \iffalse ^^A we skip the debug setting
\IfFileExists{\string~/bin/gen_and_xela}{\errorcontextlines=1000 }{}
%% \fi
%% ^^A $Id: TheUltimateMaster.gmd,v 0.352 2011/10/12 15:19:42 natror Exp natror $
%% This is file “gmurl.sty” generated with the DocStrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% gmutils/gmutils.gmd  (with options: `url')
%% Copyright ©  
%% by Grzegorz ‘Natror’ Murzynowski
%% natror (at) gmail (dot) com
%% This program is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
%% for the details of that license.
%% LPPL status: "author-maintained".
%% For documentation please refer to the file(s)
%% gmutils.{gmd,pdf}.
    [2011/10/12 v0.996 modifications to the url package (GM)]

%%     ^^A\typeout{\unexpanded{#4}}%%




  \pdef\UrlFix{\PackageWarning{gmutils}{!!! The \string\UrlFix\space
      declaration works only with XeTeX}}%

  \catcode`\^^^=9 }

  % \stanza
  % default style assignments
    \do\ {\hbox{\visiblespace}}\do\^^M{\hbox{\visiblespace}}}%
  % \stanza
  % \stanza
    \fi % setting of
    % the escape char, begin and end group and optionally math shift,
    % defined in \pk{gmverb}.
    \kern\z@% to forbid hyphenating the first word if the \ac{URL}
    % begins with a~word
  }% of |\Url@Format|.
  % \stanza
    \else"A6 \fi}% \label{UrlHyphenchar} broken bar, |¦| or the same as
  % provided in \pk{gmverb} for verbatims. You
  % can redefine it as you please. This char is used as the
  % hyphenation char in \ac{URL}s and therefore should be different
  % from |-| (hyphen), which is often a part of an \ac{URL}. The
  % broken bar seems to be quite unlikely in \ac{URL}s and/or file
  % names.
  % \stanza
  % \stanza
    \medmuskip\Urlmuskip \thickmuskip\medmuskip \thinmuskip0mu%
    \relpenalty\UrlBigBreakPenalty \binoppenalty\UrlBreakPenalty
    \def\do{\gmu@doUrlMath\UrlBreakPenalty}\UrlBreaks % bin
    % (\incs{hyphenpenalty} anyway)
    \def\do{\gmu@doUrlMath\UrlBigBreakPenalty}\UrlBigBreaks % rel
                                % (\incs{hyphenpenalty} anyway)
    \def\do{\gmu@doUrlMath\@M}\UrlNoBreaks % open (no break)
    \def\do{\gmu@doUrlMathAc\UrlBreakPenalty}% (\incs{hyphenpenalty})
    \if \iffontchar\font"2329 1\else0\fi\iffontchar\font"232A 1\else2\fi
    % \nostanza we check whether the font provides both left and right
    % angle brackets. \nostanza
          \hbox to\gmu@tempb{\unexpanded{\hss\char"2329 \hss}}}%
          \hbox to\gmu@tempb{\unexpanded{\hss\char"232A \hss}}}%
    \iffontchar\font"22C6 % low star
      \do\*{\hbox{\char"22C6 }}%
    \else \do\**%
      \gmu@measurewd{-}% this macro is defined in line \ref{@measurewd}.
        {\hbox to \gmu@tempb{\unexpanded{\hss-\hss}}%
          \@nx\-}% hyphen is a
        % good point for hyphenation, but the hyphenation char should
        % be sth. else, and it is indeed: |¦| (broken bar,
        % |\char"A6|). See also line \ref{UrlHyphenchar}
    \addfontfeature{Ligatures=NoCommon, Mapping=none}% instead of
    % ‘doing’ \incs{ver\+bat\+im\+@\+no\+lig\+@\+list}.
  }% of |\gmu@UrlSetup|.
  % \stanza
  % \stanza
    % \begin{enumargs}
    % \item value of the penalty (used as a~Boolean: if $<$
    % \thous 10000, \nlperc\cs{hyphenpenalty} will be used anyway, if $\ge$
    % \thous10000, there will be no \incs{discretionary}),
    % \item the char, given as |\⁄<char>|.
    % \end{enumargs}
      \@xa\addtomacro\@xa~}% of |\lowercase|.
      {\char`##2\csname gmu@dbl\string##2kern\endcsname}% if next is  the same char
      {\ifmmode\char`##2% else
    }% of |\addtomacro|'s argument |\ifnum| true.
      {\char`##2\csname gmu@dbl\string##2kern\endcsname}{\char`##2}%
    }% of |\addtomacro|'s argument |\ifnum| false.
    }% of |\gmu@doUrlMath|.
  % \stanza
    % \begin{enumargs}
    % \item  (value of) a~penalty (see the remark to \inverb|##1| of
    % the previous macro),
    % \item the char (as |\⁄<char>|),
    % \item the definition.
    % \end{enumargs}
      \@xa\addtomacro\@xa~}% of |\lowercase|.
    \ifnum ##1<\@M
    }% of |\addtomacro|'s argument if num true.
    }% of |\addtomacro|'s argument if num false.
  }% of |\gmu@doUrlMathAc|.
  % \stanza
  % \stanza
  \pdef\gmu@url@flexbreak##1##2{\penalty\@M \hskip\z@ plus0,03em
    \char`##2\penalty##1\hskip\z@ plus0,03em\relax}%
  % \stanza
  % \stanza
    %  Do any hyper referencing due to hyperref (or perform a url-def)
    % Now do the formatting in a group (can also have \incs{Url@HyperHook} take
    % this as an argument). \nostanza
  % \stanza
  % \stanza
  \emptify\Url@moving% with our settings |\url| is pretty allowed in
  % moving arguments, I~hope.
}% of |\gmu@UrlFix|.

      }% of |\UrlFont|
    }% of |\url#1style|
  }% of |\AtBeginDocument|
}% of |\UrlSlashKern|

\def\DeclareUrlCommand#1#2{\pdef#1{\leavevmode\begingroup #2\Url}}

\foolc ~ : {%
      \penalty\@M \hskip\z@skip
      \meta{аt}% it's a Cyrillic »a«!
      \penalty\@M \hskip\z@skip
      \meta{dоt}% it's a Cyrillic »o«!
  }% of if \XeTeX
    \def\metaat~{\PackageError{gmurl}{Command \bslash metaat
        works only in XeTeX}@}%
    \def\metadot~{\PackageError{gmurl}{Command \bslash metaat
        works only in XeTeX}.}%
  }% of if not XeTeX
}% of |\foolc|

%% End of file `gmurl.sty'.