% $Id: xycirc10.mf,v 3.13 2011/03/14 20:14:00 krisrose Exp $ % % XYCIRC10: 1/8 circles with varying radii for Xy-pic at 10 point. % Copyright (c) 1992,2011 Kristoffer H. Rose <krisrose@tug.org> % 2011 Daniel M�llner <http://www.math.uni-bonn.de/people/muellner> % % This file is part of the Xy-pic macro package. % % The Xy-pic macro package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your % option) any later version. % % The Xy-pic macro package is distributed in the hope that it will be % useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General % Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along % with this macro package; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. % % As a special exception, you may use this file and all files derived % from it without restriction. This special exception was added with % version 3.7 of Xy-pic. % _________________________________________________________________________ % % CONTENTS: 1/8 circles with radii from 1 to 32pt dissected into the 1/8 % circle segments shown below % 6 5 % ....... _ % 7 .. | .. 4 | % : | | | : | radius % : | | | : | % Reference point ---> ___:__|___|___|__:_____| % : | | | : % : | | | : % 0 .! | !. 3 % ...|... % 1 2 % % such that each group of 8 characters cc+0 to cc+7 constitute a full circle % with the given radius when typeset on the same baseline (as shown). % % The bounding box of each segment is the vertical slice of the unit square % around the circle. % % The radius is given for each character group g = cc mod 8 by the formula % % radius [pt] = g+1, if 0 <= g < 8 % 2(g-8) + 10, if 8 <= g < 12 [= 2g-6] % 4(g-12) + 20, if 12 <= g < 16 [= 4g-28] % _________________________________________________________________________ % font_identifier "XYCIRC"; font_size 10pt#; mode_setup; % METANESS... % rulew# = .4pt#; define_whole_blacker_pixels(rulew); % line thickness % TESTING...we redefine openit because the characters extend far to the % left of the bounding box! % def openit = %let echar = endchar; def endchar = echar; stop ". " enddef; openwindow currentwindow from origin to (1000,800) at (-200,300) enddef; % FONT. % % Font dimension 8 is the rule thickness (cf. The TeXbook, app.G) % font_coding_scheme:="xycirc.enc"; fontdimen 8: rulew#; % default_rule_thickness % (It's unnecessary to give the exact control points. MetaFont % automatically chooses a good approximation to a circular arc.) path eighthcircle; eighthcircle = right{up} .. {left+up}(right+up)/sqrt2; % Use the following macro that generates an entire group from character cc % to cc+7 with radius: % def makeg(expr g,radius) = major# := radius/sqrt2; minor# := radius - major#; full# := radius; define_pixels(minor,major,full); path arc; arc = eighthcircle scaled (full + rulew/2) & halfcircle scaled rulew shifted (full*right) rotated 45 & reverse eighthcircle scaled (full - rulew/2) & halfcircle scaled rulew rotated 180 shifted (full*right) & cycle; beginchar(8g ,minor#,full#,full#); fill arc rotated 180 shifted (full*right); endchar; beginchar(8g+1,major#,full#,full#); fill arc rotated 225 shifted (major*right); endchar; beginchar(8g+2,major#,full#,full#); fill arc rotated 270; endchar; beginchar(8g+3,minor#,full#,full#); fill arc rotated 315 shifted (major*left); endchar; beginchar(8g+4,minor#,full#,full#); fill arc shifted (major*left); endchar; beginchar(8g+5,major#,full#,full#); fill arc rotated 45; endchar; beginchar(8g+6,major#,full#,full#); fill arc rotated 90 shifted (major*right); endchar; beginchar(8g+7,minor#,full#,full#); fill arc rotated 135 shifted (full*right); endchar; enddef; % Make groups: % for g = 0 step 1 until 7: makeg(g, (g+1)*pt#); endfor; for g = 8 step 1 until 11: makeg(g, (2g-6)*pt#); endfor; for g = 12 step 1 until 15: makeg(g,(4g-28)*pt#); endfor; bye. % $Log: xycirc10.mf,v $ % Revision 3.13 2011/03/14 20:14:00 krisrose % Preparing for release 3.8.6. % % Revision 3.12 2010/07/07 16:26:39 krisrose % Rules should be whole pixels (thanks again to Daniel). % % Revision 3.11 2010/07/06 21:49:55 krisrose % Daniel's fix that works around bug in mf2pt1/fontforge script. % % Revision 3.10 2010/06/10 18:45:50 krisrose % Reference to GPL by URL. % % Revision 3.9 2010/05/17 23:29:21 krisrose % Experiment: generate all the Type1 fonts with METAPOST. % % Revision 3.8 2010/04/16 06:06:52 krisrose % Preparing for a new release... % % Revision 3.7 1999/02/16 15:12:50 krisrose % Interim release (Y&Y fonts now free). % % Revision 3.3 1996/12/19 03:31:56 krisrose % Maintenance release % % Revision 3.0 1995/07/07 20:14:21 kris % Major release w/new User's Guide! % % Revision 2.13 1995/07/04 15:11:17 kris % Ready to release v3? % % Revision 2.7 1994/03/08 02:09:27 kris % Release 3alpha. % % Revision 1994/03/07 04:22:46 kris % Last internal 3alpha and pre-2.7 release. % % NEW file to go in version 2.7! % Based on xymisc10.mf [Revision 2.6 1992/06/24 01:23:34 kris]