    +                        lgrmath                        +
    +            Greek letters in math mode from            +
    +                 any LGR-encoded font                  +
    +            https://github.com/jfbu/lgrmath            +

    This is the README file for the LaTeX2e package
    `lgrmath', version 1.0 of 2022/11/16.

    Copyright (C) 2022 Jean-François Burnol

    This Work may be distributed and/or modified
    under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,
    version 1.3c. The latest version of this license is in
    and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
    LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later.

    This Work includes lgrmath.sty, the documentation
    lgrmath.pdf, this README and the source lgrmath.dtx.

With \usepackage[font=<name>]{lgrmath} the Greek letters in math
mode will be from the given font name, assumed to exist on the
LaTeX installation in LGR encoding for traditional LaTeX/pdfLaTeX.

The shape of the Greek letters are configured via package
options, and they also come in \...up and \...it variants.

Manual installation:

Execute                  This creates

    etex lgrmath.dtx         lgrmath.sty

The first one is the package file.  The second one is for
building the PDF documentation.  To do the latter:

    latexmk  lgrmath.tex
    dvipdfmx lgrmath.dvi

The PDF documentation then includes the commented source code.

It is possible to run latex + dvipdfmx, pdflatex, lualatex, or
xelatex directly on lgrmath.dtx rather than on lgrmath.tex.
The PDF will then not include the commented source code.