% $Id: //depot/Master/texmf/tex/xmltex/passivetex/fotex.xmt#90 $, $Date: 2002/06/25 $
% PassiveTeX version 1.17
% Copyright 2002 Sebastian Rahtz/Oxford University  
%      <sebastian.rahtz@oucs.ox.ac.uk>
% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
% a copy of this software and any associated documentation files (the
% ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
% without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
% distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
% permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
% the following conditions:
% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
% in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
% Includes fixes from Tomas Bures <ghort@pauline.vellum.cz>
%                     Yura Zotov <yznews@hotbox.ru>
%                     Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@ru.echo.fr>
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%           present the page(s) specified by the stylesheet.
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%          Specifies the "depth" to be used for the descent
%          below the domiant baseline.
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% Added attribute which controls table-placement. 
% It has the same syntax as LaTeX (e.g. !tbh)
% Since XMLTeX doesn't process well attributes from another namespace, 
% I must use the workaround
%          with namespaces.
% \gdef\FOspeak{normal}
% \gdef\FOspeakheader{once}
% \gdef\FOspeaknumeral{continuous}
% \gdef\FOspeakpunctuation{none}
% \gdef\FOspeechrate{medium}
% \gdef\FOstress{50}
% \gdef\FOvoicefamily{}
%<margin-width> | inherit
%<margin-width> | inherit
%<margin-width> | inherit
%<margin-width> | inherit







% needs the global version


% we care if a block is inside a table cell
        % we care if a block is a second or subsequent child of a list body
          \global\advance\FOListBlocks by 1%
        % but also if its nested within a list body block
%\typeout{Block \the\inputlineno, \meaning\w@t,  \meaning\@whattodonext}%


%auto | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
%auto | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
%\csname startQ@\FOtextalign\endcsname
%\csname endQ@\FOtextalign\endcsname



  \DEBUG{New page, \the\c@page, \PageNumber}%
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            {\edef\PFirst{\csname Odd:\CurrentPageMaster\endcsname}}
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    {\csname Atomic:\PEven\endcsname
     \advance\evensidemargin by \SpecialOffset
%  \ifnum\NColumns>1\MulticolPendingtrue
%  \begin{multicols}{\NColumns}\fi
% remember that we'll do a \clearpage next time anyway.
% so leave here on wrong sort of page






    \def\w@t{\cleaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern1.5mu-\mkern1.5mu$}\hfil}%
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      \def\w@t{\cleaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern1.5mu.\mkern1.5mu$}\hfill}%
  \else % space
\ifdim\@tempdima=\z@\w@t\else\hbox to \@tempdima{\w@t}\fi

     \setkeys{Hyp}{pdfborder={0 0 1}}
% this breaks any real content in the link text
%      \expandafter\@basiclink\relax#1//\@nil#1\@nil\FOexternaldestination\@nil%


   \advance\FOinList by 1\relax
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   \expandafter\csname List\FOtextalign\endcsname
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      \advance\@tempdima by -\FOspacebeforeminimum
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  \DEBUG{  Link [\FOMaster:after] to \FOregionname}

  \DEBUG{  Link [\FOMaster:before]  to \FOregionname}

  \DEBUG{ Set up [\FOMaster:\FOregionname] body content: \FOcolumngap|\FOcolumncount|\FOmarginbottom|\FOmargintop|}


   \advance\TableWidth by -\tabcolsep
   \advance\TableWidth by -\FOmarginleft
   \advance\TableWidth by -\FOmarginright
% We process FOkplacement atribute to override the placement of the table.

  {  }
  \typeout{Table end of no cols defined}



   \advance\@tempcnta by 1



   \advance\TableWidth by -\FOmarginleft
   \advance\TableWidth by -\FOmarginright


 {\typeout{fo:bidi-override NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:color-profile NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:declarations NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:initial-property-set NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:instream-foreign-object NOT IMPLEMENTED}}



 {\typeout{fo:multi-case NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:multi-properties NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:multi-property-set NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:multi-switch NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:multi-toggle NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:region-end NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:region-start NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

 {\typeout{fo:table-footer NOT IMPLEMENTED}}

  {\DEBUG{Start defining page masters}}
  {\DEBUG{Finish defining page masters}}

   \DEBUG{Page sequence master: \FOmastername}

   {\DEBUG{ (single page in \Granpa: use master \FOmasterreference)}
     \expandafter\xdef\csname First:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
     \expandafter\xdef\csname Blank:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
     \expandafter\xdef\csname Odd:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
     \expandafter\xdef\csname Even:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}

   {\DEBUG{ (multiple pages in \Granpa: use master \FOmasterreference)}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname Blank:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname First:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname Odd:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname Even:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}

    \DEBUG{ (complex page layout with alternatives)}

     \DEBUG{ Even page for \Granpa: \FOmasterreference}
       \expandafter\xdef\csname Even:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
         \DEBUG{ Odd page for \Granpa: \FOmasterreference}
           \expandafter\xdef\csname Odd:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
         \DEBUG{ First page for \Granpa: \FOmasterreference}
          \expandafter\xdef\csname First:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
          \DEBUG{ Blank page for \Granpa: \FOmasterreference}
             \expandafter\xdef\csname Blank:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}
           \DEBUG{ Default page for \Granpa: \FOmasterreference}
            \expandafter\xdef\csname Odd:\Granpa\endcsname{\FOmasterreference}

 \DEBUG{Define page master \FOmargin, \FOMaster, \FOmarginright/\FOmarginleft}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname Atomic:\FOMaster\endcsname{

%%% white space hacking to try at some point
in the code for fo:root
(to turn on white space, except for any white space at the start of the
element) at the end of any elements that take character data.

definitions something like'
 \UnicodeCharacter{13}{ \ignorespaces}
 \UnicodeCharacter{32}{ \ignorespaces}
 \UnicodeCharacter{9}{ \ignorespaces}