#! /usr/bin/env perl =begin COPYRIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =end COPYRIGHT =cut use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use v5.10; parse_commandline(); my $afm = read_afm($ARGV[0]); # If user specified encoding, use that; else, use encoding from .afm file my $enc = $ARGV{encoding} ? read_enc($ARGV{encoding}) : get_enc($afm) ; # Make lookup table to quickly see if a character is present in the encoding my %char_in_enc = map { ($_ => 1) } @{$enc->{vector}}; print_fontinfo($afm->{fontinfo}, $enc->{scheme}); print_charmetrics($afm->{metrics}, $enc->{vector}); print_kerndata($afm->{kernpairs}, $afm->{trackkerns}, \%char_in_enc); print_composites($afm->{composites}, \%char_in_enc); print "EndFontMetrics\n"; close select *STDOUT if $ARGV{output}; print_mapentry($afm->{fontinfo}, , $enc->{scheme}) if $ARGV{encoding} && $ARGV{output}; #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_commandline { Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'help|?' => sub { pod2usage(-verbose => 1) }, 'encoding=s' => \$ARGV{encoding}, 'output=s' => \$ARGV{output}, ) or pod2usage(-verbose => 0); pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if @ARGV != 1; if ($ARGV{output}) { $ARGV{output} .= '.afm' unless $ARGV{output} =~ m/[.]afm\z/xms; open my $output, '>', $ARGV{output} or die "[ERROR] can't open '$ARGV{output}': $!"; select $output; } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub read_afm { my $filename = shift; open my $afmfile, '<', $filename or die "[ERROR] can't open '$filename': $!"; my %afm = ( fontinfo => [], metrics => [], kernpairs => [], trackkerns => [], composites => [], ); until ((my $line = <$afmfile>) =~ m/StartCharMetrics/xms) { push @{$afm{fontinfo}}, $line; } for (<$afmfile>) { when (m/\A\s* C \s/xms) { push @{$afm{metrics}}, $_ } when (m/\A\s* KPX \s/xms) { push @{$afm{kernpairs}}, $_ } when (m/\A\s* TrackKern \s/xms) { push @{$afm{trackkerns}}, $_ } when (m/\A\s* CC \s/xms) { push @{$afm{composites}}, $_ } } close $afmfile; return \%afm; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get encoding name and vector from the specified .enc file #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub read_enc { my $filename = shift; open my $encfile, '<', $filename or die "[ERROR] can't open '$filename': $!"; my $data = join ' ', map { s/%.+|\n//xmsg; $_ } <$encfile>; close $encfile; my ($scheme, $encoding) = $data =~ m{ /([-\w]+) \s* [[] (.+) []] \s* def }xms or die "[ERROR] parsing encoding file '$filename' failed"; return { scheme => $scheme, vector => [ $encoding =~ m{ /([.\w]+) }xmsg ], }; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get encoding from the input .afm file #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_enc { my $afm = shift; my %enc = ( scheme => 'FontSpecific', vector => [ ('/.undef') x 256 ] ); for my $line (@{$afm->{fontinfo}}) { if ($line =~ m/EncodingScheme \s+ ([-\w]+)/xms) { $enc{scheme} = $1; last; } } for my $line (@{$afm->{metrics}}) { my ($pos, $name) = $line =~ m/C \s+ ([-]?\d+) .+? N \s+ ([.\w]+)/xms or die; $enc{vector}[$pos] = $name unless $pos == -1; } return \%enc; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_fontinfo { my ($fontinfo, $scheme) = @_; for my $line (@$fontinfo) { $line = "EncodingScheme $scheme\n" if $line =~ m/EncodingScheme/xms; print $line; } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print character metrics for characters in specified encoding #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_charmetrics { my ($metrics, $vector) = @_; my %metrics = map { m/(WX .+? N \s+ ([.\w]+) .+)/xms; ($2 => $1) } @$metrics; print "StartCharMetrics @{[ scalar grep { $metrics{$_} } @$vector ]}\n"; for my $i (0 .. 255) { next unless $metrics{$vector->[$i]}; print "C $i ; $metrics{$vector->[$i]}"; } print "EndCharMetrics\n"; return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print kerning data for characters in specified encoding #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_kerndata { my ($kernpairs, $trackkerns, $char_in_enc) = @_; my @kernpairs = grep { m/\A\s* KPX \s+ ([.\w]+) \s+ ([.\w]+)/xms and $char_in_enc->{$1} and $char_in_enc->{$2} } @$kernpairs; if (@kernpairs || @$trackkerns) { print "StartKernData\n"; if (@kernpairs) { print "StartKernPairs @{[ scalar @kernpairs ]}\n"; print @kernpairs; print "EndKernPairs\n"; } if (@$trackkerns) { print "StartTrackKern @{[ scalar @$trackkerns ]}\n"; print @$trackkerns; print "EndTrackKern\n"; } print "EndKernData\n"; } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print "composite" info for characters in specified encoding #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_composites { my ($composites, $char_in_enc) = @_; # Each line mentions several characters: the composite and two or more # 'base' characters. We only print the line if all characters are # present in the specified encoding my @composites; COMPOSITE: for my $composite (@$composites) { my @chars = $composite =~ m/(?:CC \s+ ([.\w]+))/xmsg; for my $char (@chars) { next COMPOSITE unless $char_in_enc->{$char}; } push @composites, $composite; } if (@composites) { print "StartComposites @{[ scalar @composites ]}\n"; print @composites; print "EndComposites\n"; } return; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub print_mapentry { my ($fontinfo, $scheme) = @_; my $fontname = ''; (my $fontfile = basename($ARGV[0] // '')) =~ s/[.]afm\z//xms; (my $output = basename($ARGV{output} // '')) =~ s/[.]afm\z//xms; for my $line (@$fontinfo) { if ($line =~ m/FontName \s+ ([-\w]+)/xms) { $fontname = $1; last; } } print {*STDOUT} qq(${output} ${fontname} <${fontfile}.pfb ), qq(<[$ARGV{encoding} "${scheme} ReEncodeFont"\n); return; } __END__ ############################################################################ To create the documentation: pod2man --center="Marc Penninga" --release="fontools" --section=1 \ afm2afm - | groff -Tps -man - | ps2pdf - afm2afm.pdf =pod =head1 NAME afm2afm - reencode an F<afm> file =head1 SYNOPSIS =over 8 =item B<afm2afm> [B<-help>] [B<-encoding> I<encodingfile>] [B<-output> I<outputfile>] B<afmfile> =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B<afm2afm> re-encodes an F<afm> file. Metrics (including kerning data) for characters not present in the chosen encoding are excluded from the output, which resuls in much smaller files. Note that if you don't specify an encoding file, the F<afm> file isn't re-encoded, but the unused data is still pruned. The program also generates an entry for a F<dvips>-style map file, but only if the F<afm> file has been re-encoded and the output was written to file (i.e., if both the I<-encoding> and I<-output> options were specified). =head1 OPTIONS AND ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item B<-help> Print a short description of the syntax =item B<-encoding> I<encodingfile> Re-encode to the enconding in I<encodingfile> =item B<-output> I<outputfile> Write the result to I<outputfile> instead of C<stdout>. =item B<afmfile> The F<afm> file to be re-encoded. =back Option names may be shortened to a unique prefix. =head1 AUTHOR Marc Penninga <marcpenninga@gmail.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Marc Penninga. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public License is included with B<autoinst>; see the file F<GPLv2.txt>. =head1 DISCLAIMER This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. =head1 RECENT CHANGES (See the source code for the rest of the story.) =over 12 =item I<2012-02-01> Refactored the code; added the "no re-encoding, only pruning" functionality. =back =begin Really_old_history =over 12 =item I<2005-01-10> First version =item I<2005-01-25> Added printing of mapfile entry =item I<2005-02-18> Rewrote some of the code =item I<2005-03-08> Input files searched via B<kpsewhich> (where available) =item I<2005-03-15> Input files searched using B<kpsewhich> or B<findtexmf> (if available) =item I<2005-04-15> Updated creation of mapfile entry; look for font file to deduce the correct font file format (pfb, pfa, ttf). If no font file is found, pfb is assumed. =item I<2005-04-20> Program quits if the specified output file exists =item I<2005-04-29> Improved the documentation =item I<2005-07-29> Some updates to the documentation =item I<2006-01-12> A few minor changes to the code =back =cut