pdflatexpicscale is software to scale pictures down 
to a target resolution before creating a PDF document
with PdfLaTeX.

2024-10-18 (version of bundle)
For version details check pdflatexpicscale.pdf.

Perl and some Perl modules have to be installed - see pdflatexpicscale.pdf.

*Basic usage*
pdflatex article
pdflatexpicscale.pl article
edit article.tex: insert \graphicspath{{printimg/}}
pdflatex article
and you're done.

For more information, please consult pdflatexpicscale.pdf.

*File list*
README               This file
pdflatexpicscale.pl  Tool, perl code
pdflatexpicscale.pdf Documentation (Installation and usage)
testprinter.ps       Resolution test file for your PostScript printer

pdflatexpicscale and the accompanying files are 
subject to the current version of the
LaTeX project public license (not included).

Peter Willadt
Email: willadt at t-online.de