INSTALL.ENG (emTeX DISTRIBUTION)                                   02-Jul-1998

                             Installing emTeX


- Introduction
- What to do if an old version of emTeX is already installed
- Installing Info-ZIP's UnZip
- Installing a package
- Updating a package
- Installing emTeX
  1. First things first
  2. Adding support for 32-bit programs
  3. Installing the TeX compiler
  4. Installing METAFONT
  5. Installing the printer drivers, screen previewers, and fonts
  6. Installing MakeIndex
  7. Installing BibTeX
  8. Installing TeXcad
  9. Installing dvispell
  10. Installing PiCTeX
  11. Installing WEB
  12. Viewing and printing additional documentation
- Installing emTeX in a different directory
- Removing a package
- Unpacking LaTeX2e
- Sample autoexec.bat for DOS
- Sample config.sys for OS/2


IMPORTANT: See HELP.ENG if you encounter any problems.  That file is
available separately and in first.zip, as \emtex\doc\english\help.eng.

There's an installation program for emTeX, install.exe.  Just run it
to install emTeX:


If you are using Windows, please run the installation program in a DOS
window, not from the Program Manager.

If the installation program doesn't work for you or you need a special
installation, you'll have to read the rest of this document

Simplified installation instructions are available in QUICK.ENG.  See
the introduction of QUICK.ENG to see whether you can use and want to
use those instructions.

These installation instructions assume that emTeX will be installed on
drive C: in directory \emtex and that the distribution files are on
diskettes in drive A:. If you choose to install emTeX in a different
directory or if the distribution files are in a different location,
you have to modify the commands appropriately.

What to do if an old version of emTeX is already installed

This emTeX distribution completely replaces any previously distributed
emTeX versions. If you already have emTeX installed, you must entirely
remove (or rename) the installed \emtex directory tree. Moreover, you
should un-set all environment variables you had defined for previous
emTeX versions: delete all SET commands for the following environment
variables from autoexec.bat and config.sys:


Moreover, remove the \emtex directory from PATH (this release of emTeX
uses \emtex\bin instead of \emtex).  After modifying autoexec.bat or
config.sys, you should reboot your machine.  Do this now to avoid
installation problems caused by the old settings of the environment

(The environment variables listed above still exist, with the
exception of EMTEXDRV which has been replaced by EMTEXDIR.  However,
the old settings disable subdirectory search, prohibiting proper
operation of emTeX.  Moreover, setting EMTEXDIR is sufficient in most

If you have installed third-party packages such as dvips, it is
recommended to remove all emTeX packages with the `emremove' tool and
then rename the \emtex directory:

    emremove c:\emtex\remove\tex.rem c:\
    emremove c:\emtex\remove\mf.rem c:\
    etc. etc. etc.
    move c:\emtex emtex.old

You can find emremove.exe in first.zip.

To delete the entire emTeX directory tree, type

    cd \
    emdelete -r c:\emtex

using emdelete.exe from first.zip (previous versions of delete.exe
require a different syntax).  To get the new emdelete.exe, follow the
instructions for unpacking first.zip below, then copy emdelete.exe to
a directory listed in PATH.

Note that you should copy emdelete.exe to another directory if it is
currently located in the directory tree to be deleted.

Since by this procedure all files in the directory c:\emtex and in all
subdirectories of this directory will be deleted, you should not use
this directory for your own files!

Installing Info-ZIP's UnZip

emTeX is packaged using Info-ZIP's compression utility.  Info-ZIP's
software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be
obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board
services and anonymous-ftp sites, including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum
and ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/*.

Prior to installing emTeX, you have to install UnZip (unless UnZip is
already installed).  UnZip is distributed as self-extracting archive,
that is, an .exe file with a ZIP archive attached which will be
unpacked when running the .exe file.  The UnZip files should be put
into a scratch directory.  The following examples assume that the
UnZip self-extracting archives are stored on a diskette in drive A:.

If you are using OS/2, type

    md \unzip
    cd \unzip

to unpack UnZip into directory \unzip.

If you are using DOS, type

    md \unzip
    cd \unzip

to unpack UnZip into directory \unzip.

After unpacking UnZip, you'll find several documentation and
executable files.

For installing emTeX, you have to choose an UnZip executable and put
it into a directory of the PATH under the name `unzip.exe'.

For OS/2, the following two UnZip executables are available:

    unzip16.exe         16-bit executable for OS/2 1.0 and later
    unzip32.exe         32-bit executable for OS/2 2.0 and later

For DOS, the following two UnZip executables are available:

    unzip.exe           16-bit executable for 8088 and better CPUs
    unzip386.exe        32-bit executable for 80386 and better CPUs

If your machine is equipped with a 80386 CPU or better, you can use a
32-bit executable.  The 32-bit executables are usually faster than
their 16-bit counterparts, there are no other differences.  If the
32-bit executable does not work for you, try the 16-bit executable.

For instance, to use unzip386.exe type

    copy unzip386.exe c:\bin\unzip.exe

if c:\bin is a directory listed in your PATH.  The rest of this
document assumes that UnZip is invoked by typing `unzip'.

See unzip.doc for further information on UnZip.

Installing a package

Before installing an update of a package, you should remove the
previously installed version of that package.  See below.

Installing a package involves unpacking the ZIP archive files of that
package.  Most packages are distributed in one ZIP archive file.

To unpack a ZIP archive file select as current working directory the
directory into which the `emtex' directory should be placed.
Typically this is the root directory of your C: drive:

    cd \

To unpack, say, first.zip from drive A:, type the following command:

    unzip a:\first

Directories will be created as required.

To view the contents (file listing) of the ZIP archive file, type

    unzip -l a:\first

To update a package (that is, install a newer version of a package
that is already installed), remove the currently installed package
with emremove.exe (see below), then install the new package.

Before updating a package, you might want to check whether the new ZIP
archive files are readable and not corrupted.  This can be done by

    unzip -tq a:\*.zip

Updating a package

Before installing an update of a package, you should remove the
previously installed version of that package.  See below.

Installing emTeX

1. First things first

Please remove all environment variables of any previously installed
emTeX version (EMTEXDRV, MFINPUT, TEXINPUT, TEXTFM, etc.) from
config.sys and/or autoexec.bat.

First, you should install package `first' which contains documentation
files and some tools.  As explained above, this is done approximately
this way:

    cd \
    unzip a:\first

As usual, the drive letters and directories depend on where you choose
to install emTeX and where the ZIP files are located.

After unpacking first.zip, you should add the directory c:\emtex\bin
to your PATH.  PATH is either set in config.sys or in autoexec.bat.

You should also set the EMTEXDIR environment variable to point to the
emTeX directory:

    set emtexdir=c:\emtex

Please don't use spaces! (`set emtexdir = c:\emtex' won't work!)

DOS users should verify that the config.sys file specifies at least


If these statements are missing or if the values are smaller than
shown above, you should insert these statements or increase the values
to at least the values shown above.

OS/2 users might want to add c:\emtex\book\english to the BOOKSHELF
environment variable set in config.sys.  That simplifies viewing the
OS/2 on-line manuals of emTeX.

Some programs need a directory for scratch files.  Those temporary
files are stored in the directory pointed to by the TMP environment

    md c:\tmp
    set tmp=c:\tmp

You might want to use a RAM disk for scratch files.  For instance, if
your RAM disk has drive letter F, set TMP like this:

    set tmp=f:\

However, you should not install a RAM disk for emTeX's scratch files
as using RAM directly is more efficient.

In the process of installing various emTeX components, several
environment variables have to be set.  You can use the batch files
\emtex\bin\set_tex.bat and \emtex\bin\set_tex.cmd as models.

If the computer complains about not enough environment space, you
should consult your DOS manual concerning the SHELL statement of
config.sys and concerning the /E and /P options of COMMAND.COM. In
most versions of DOS, adding a line reading


to config.sys will work (this example assumes that DOS is installed in
directory c:\dos).  If you already have such a line in config.sys, you
might have to increase the value of the /E option by approximately

After changing config.sys and autoexec.bat, you should reboot to
effect the changes.  However you might want to delay rebooting until
after installing emx.

2. Adding support for 32-bit programs

If you have a 386 CPU or better, you can use special 32-bit versions
of some programs which take advantage of that CPU.  Those 32-bit
versions require installation of package `emxrsx'.  This package is
special as it puts files both into the EMTEX directory (like all the
other packages) and the EMX directory.  emxrsx.zip is a subset of
emxrt.zip, the emx runtime package, plus rsx.  emx and rsx are DOS
extenders which are used by 32-bit programs.  emx is for DOS
configurations without DPMI (DOS Protected Mode Interface), rsx is for
DOS configurations which employ DPMI (MS Windows, for instance).  emx
also includes files required for running the 32-bit programs under
OS/2 2.x and OS/2 3 Warp.  However, 32-bit programs cannot be run
under OS/2 1.x, whatever CPU you have.

To install package `emxrsx', unpack emxrsx.zip and follow the
instructions in \emx\doc\emxrt.doc (under OS/2, you can read a nicer
version of that text by typing `view \emx\book\emxrt').  Here's what
to do, in a nutshell:

- Add c:\emx\bin to PATH (config.sys or autoexec.bat)

- Under OS/2, add c:\emx\dll to the LIBPATH statement of config.sys

- Under DOS, remove BREAK=ON from config.sys

- Reboot

Special care must be taken if you already have emx.dll on your OS/2
system.  See emxrt.doc (or emxrt.inf) for details.

3. Installing the TeX compiler

To use TeX, unpack tex4b.zip.  tex386 and htex386 require emxrsx.zip,
see above.  In addition to TeX, you need font metric files (TFM files)
which are contained in fontcm.zip.  The plain TeX macros are shipped
in tex4b.zip.

If you want to use LaTeX2e, unpack l2input.zip.  If you want to use
LaTeX 2.09, unpack latex209.zip.  (You can install both.)  As both
LaTeX2e and LaTeX 2.09 require the LaTeX fonts, unpack fontltx.zip.
To use German hyphenation patterns and macros for German language
support, unpack german.zip.

IMPORTANT: See \emtex\doc\english\tex.doc for further installation
instructions (OS/2 users can type `view tex'), including how to create
format files.

Typically, you'll create format files for plain TeX and LaTeX2e with
US English hyphenation patterns, for use with tex386.exe:

    cd \emtex\btexfmts
    makefmt 386 plain US
    makefmt 386 latex2e US 8bit -b \emtex\bin\latex2e

IMPORTANT: See \emtex\doc\english\tex.doc for details (OS/2 users can
type `view tex').

Package l2tools contains additional macros for LaTeX2e.  After
creating format files and after unpacking l2tools.zip, type

    cd \emtex\dist\latex\packages\tools
    latex2e tools.ins

(latex2e is the name of the batch file for invoking LaTeX2e, created
by makefmt) and copy some files to the LaTeX2e input directory:

    copy *.tex \emtex\texinput\latex2e
    copy *.sty \emtex\texinput\latex2e

If you don't use LaTeX 2.09, you might want to copy the files to their
own subdirectory, such as \emtex\texinput\tools2e.

See \emtex\dist\latex\packages\tools\readme.txt for further details.
The file manifest.txt in the same directory contains a list of macro
packages provided by l2tools.  After copying the files, you can save
some disk space by deleting files in \emtex\dist\latex\packages\tools.

texware.zip contains various tools for TeX: texchk (a syntax checker
for LaTeX 2.09), texconv (convert accented characters), DVItype (lists
and checks DVI files) PLtoTF and TFtoPL (convert and check TFM files),
VFtoVP and VPtoVF (convert and check virtual font files).

4. Installing METAFONT

To use METAFONT, mf4b.zip (METAFONT proper) and mfjob12d.zip (assists
METAFONT in generating fonts) should be unpacked.  mf386 requires
emxrsx.zip, see above.

You also need some or all font source files from fontcm.zip,
fontec.zip, fontltx.zip, fontams.zip, and fontemsy.zip.

IMPORTANT: See \emtex\doc\english\metafont.doc for further
installation instructions (OS/2 users can type `view metafont'),
including how to create base files.

Typically, you'll create a base file for plain METAFONT, for use with

    cd \emtex\bmfbases
    makebas 386 plain

IMPORTANT: See \emtex\doc\english\metafont.doc for details (OS/2 users
can type `view metafont').  For instance mfpm.ovl requires additional

See \emtex\doc\english\mfjob.doc and \emtex\doc\english\mfware.doc for
further information on MFjob and METAFONT's companion tools.

mfware.zip contains tools for converting between font file formats and
other font-related tools.  You don't have to install mfware.zip unless
you want to design fonts yourself or you need the documentation for

METAFONT is not quite perfect in generating fonts at very low
resolutions.  To correct METAFONT's errors manually, a font editor is
provided in pkedit.zip.  See \emtex\doc\english\pkedit.doc and
\emtex\doc\pkeditpm.doc for details.  pkeditpm requires emxrsx.zip,
see above.  Moreover, pkeditpm requires emdll1x.dll, emdll1x2.dll,
and emdll2x.dll which are shipped in dvid16h1.zip.

5. Installing the printer drivers, screen previewers, and fonts

To install the DVI drivers, unpack both dvid16h1.zip and dvid16h2.zip.
dvipm requires emxrsx.zip, see above.

IMPORTANT: See \emtex\doc\english\dvidrv.doc for further installation
instructions (OS/2 users can type `view dvidrv').

The DVI drivers need pixel fonts.  Pixel fonts for emTeX are shipped
in font library files (.FLI files).  The following font library files
are available:

    bj_base.fli         Base fonts for the Canon BubbleJet (360 DPI)
    dj_base.fli         Base fonts for the HP DeskJet (300 DPI)
    fax_base.fli        Base fonts for Fax (204x196 DPI)
    fx_base.fli         Base fonts for 9-pin printers (240x216 DPI)
    ito_base.fli        Base fonts for the C.ITOH 8510A (160x144 DPI)
    ljh_base.fli        Base fonts for the HP LaserJet 4 (600 DPI)
    lj_base.fli         Base fonts for the HP LaserJet (300 DPI)
    p6h_base.fli        Base fonts for 24-pin printers (360 DPI)
    p6l_base.fli        Base fonts for 24-pin printers (180 DPI)
    p6m_base.fli        Base fonts for 24-pin printers (360x180 DPI)
    qj_base.fli         Base fonts for the HP QuietJet (192 DPI)
    sty_base.fli        Base fonts for the EPSON Stylus 800 (360 DPI)

As those font library files don't contain all fonts in all possible
sizes (and as you might not have any font library files at all), the
DVI drivers automatically call MFjob and METAFONT for generating
missing fonts as needed.  Therefore, you should also install METAFONT,
see above.

All examples assume that you use directory c:\texfonts for fonts.
Therefore it is recommended to copy the appropriate font library file
to c:\texfonts and to let the DVIDRVFONTS environment variable point
to that directory.

By default, new fonts generated by MFjob are placed in directory
c:\newfonts (unless MFjob is called automatically by a DVI driver).
If you want to use a different directory, modify the `def target='
statement of \emtex\mfjob\modes.mfj.  When called by a DVI driver,
Mfjob uses the first directory listed in the DVIDRVFONTS environment

If you don't have the base fonts and you want to generate the base
fonts now, modify the `def target=' statement of \emtex\mfjob\modes.mfj,
replacing `c:\newfonts' with your font directory, such as
`c:\texfonts'.  Install fontcm.zip and fontltx.zip.  Then, type

    mfjob base m=MODE
    fli_base PREFIX RES c:\texfonts

where MODE, PREFIX, and RES depend on the font set:

    MODE | PREFIX | RES | Font library | Description
    bj   | bj     | 360 | bj_base.fli  | Canon BubbleJet (360 DPI)
    dj   | dj     | 300 | dj_base.fli  | HP DeskJet (300 DPI)
    FAX  | fax    | 204 | fax_base.fli | Fax (204x196 DPI)
    fx   | fx     | 240 | fx_base.fli  | 9-pin printers (240x216 DPI)
    ito  | ito    | 160 | ito_base.fli | C.ITOH 8510A (160x144 DPI)
    lj   | lj     | 300 | lj_base.fli  | HP LaserJet (300 DPI)
    ljh  | ljh    | 600 | ljh_base.fli | HP LaserJet 4 (600 DPI)
    lqh  | p6h    | 360 | p6h_base.fli | 24-pin printers (360 DPI)
    lql  | p6l    | 180 | p6l_base.fli | 24-pin printers (180 DPI)
    lqm  | p6m    | 360 | p6m_base.fli | 24-pin printers (360x180 DPI)
    qj   | qj     | 192 | qj_base.fli  | HP QuietJet (192 DPI)
    sty  | sty    | 360 | sty_base.fli | EPSON Stylus 800 (360 DPI)

If you are not sure, you can take the appropriate pair of lines from
\emtex\bin\makefli.bat (don't forget to update the font directory).

To let MFjob call mf386, use the /3 option.  It is recommended to set
this option in the MFJOBOPT environment variable:

    set mfjobopt=/3

(Do this before calling MFjob.)  For low-resolution fonts such as
`ito', you should use the /i option of MFjob to let it continue after
METAFONT reports an error:

    mfjob base /i m=ito
    fli_base ito 160 c:\texfonts

After creating the .FLI file with `fli_base', you can delete the .pk
files from the subdirectories of the font directory, for instance:

    emdelete -r c:\texfonts\pixel.lj

As the default font configuration files look for both PREFIX_base.fli
and PREFIX_more.fli (you can put local fonts into PREFIX_more.fli),
the drivers will display a warning message if PREFIX_more.fli does not
exist.  To avoid that warning without modifying the configuration
files (you should not modify the configuration files), create a dummy
font library file:

    cd \texfonts
    fontlib /c PREFIX_more

To check whether downloaded copies of the FLI files are undamaged, use
the fontlib command:

    cd \texfonts
    fontlib /t PREFIX_base

6. Installing MakeIndex

MakeIndex is a tool for generating an index for a LaTeX document.  To
install MakeIndex, unpack makeindx.zip.  For processing big indexes, a
32-bit version, mkidx32.exe, is provided.  mkidx32.exe requires
emxrsx.zip, see above.

You'll find the MakeIndex documentation in \emtex\doc\makeindx.doc and

To use MakeIndex style files, you have to set the INDEXSTYLE
environment variable to point to the directory containing the style

    set indexstyle=c:\emtex\idxstyle

You can find the source code for MakeIndex in srcmkidx.zip.

7. Installing BibTeX

BibTeX manages bibliography databases for LaTeX.  To install BibTeX,
unpack bibtex4b.zip.  bibtex32 requires emxrsx.zip, see above.

See \emtex\doc\bibtex.doc for further information.

8. Installing TeXcad

Georg Horn's TeXcad is an interactive designer for LaTeX pictures.  To
install TeXcad, unpack texcad.zip.

If TeXcad asks for the path of a BGI device driver file, enter
c:\emtex\bin.  Then, configure the BGI directory (choose
Options->Directories->BGI-Directory from the menu), and save the
options in the file c:\emtex\bin\texcad.opt.

You can find the source code for TeXcad in srctcad.zip.

9. Installing dvispell

dvispell converts DVI files into plain text files.  Originally,
dvispell was designed for preparing DVI files for spell-checking.
However, there are lots of other possible uses.  To install dvispell,
unpack dvisp10b.zip and type

    dvisprep c:\emtex\data\plain.dsi

You'll find documentation in \emtex\doc\english\dvispell.doc (OS/2
users can type `view dvispell').

10. Installing PiCTeX

The PiCTeX macro package is shipped in pictex.zip.  The PiCTeX manual
is currently not available.  It used to be sold by:

    TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 1239,
    Three Rivers, CA 93271-1239, USA
    Fax: +1 209 561 4584
    E-mail: tug@mail.tug.org
    URL: http://www.tug.org/

11. Installing WEB

WEB is a system for literate programming in Pascal.  TeX, METAFONT,
and a lot of other programs are written in WEB.  To install the WEB
tools, unpack web.zip.  See \emtex\doc\english\web.doc for further

12. Viewing and printing additional documentation

After installing TeX, METAFONT, and the DVI drivers, you can view or
print manuals which are available as TeX or DVI files.

The file \emtex\doc\latex209\local.dvi (of latex209.zip) contains the
local guide for LaTeX 2.09.

The file \emtex\dist\latex\base\usrguide.tex (of l2base.zip) contains
the document `LaTeX2e for authors'.  To typeset that document
(creating usrguide.dvi), type the following commands:

    cd \emtex\dist\latex\base
    latex2e usrguide
    latex2e usrguide
    latex2e usrguide

A short introduction to LaTeX 2.09 written in German is available in
file \emtex\doc\lkurz.dvi of lkurz.zip.

A short introduction to LaTeX2e written in German is available in file
\emtex\doc\l2kurz.dvi of l2kurz.zip.

The file \emtex\doc\germdoc.dvi (of german.zip) contains the
documentation for german.sty.

The file \emtex\doc\english\tcman.dvi (of texcad.zip) contains the
documentation for TeXcad.

Installing emTeX in a different directory

The `emtex' directory need not be in the root directory.  For
instance, you can use \local\emtex as root for the emTeX directory
tree.  To unpack a ZIP archive file into that directory structure,
type (for instance):

    cd \local
    unzip a:\first

The environment variables have to be adjusted:

    set emtexdir=c:\local\emtex

Don't forget to adjust PATH, HELP, BOOKSHELF, and LIBPATH!

To install emTeX in, say, \tex (that is, \tex\bin, \tex\texinput,
etc.), unpack emTeX into \emtex and then rename \emtex to \tex.

It is not recommended to change the structure of the emTeX directory
tree as that requires setting a lot of environment variables such as
TEXINPUT (in contrast to setting only EMTEXDIR).

Removing a package

You can remove a package from the hard disk if the appropriate REM
file is supplied.  If, for example, you want to remove the TEXWARE
package from drive C: you would enter the following commands:

    emremove c:\emtex\remove\texware.rem c:\


    emremove    run the package removal program (from c:\emtex\bin)
                the list of files comprising the package
    c:\         remove the package from this directory

If you have installed the emTeX directory tree in, say, c:\local (that
is, in directories c:\local\emtex\bin, c:\local\emtex\texinput, etc.),
type this:

    emremove c:\local\emtex\remove\texware.rem c:\local

If the top-level directory of the emTeX directory tree is not named
`emtex', you cannot use `emremove' unless you either rename the
directory to `emtex' or edit the .rem files.

Unpacking LaTeX2e

The original LaTeX2e distribution is shipped in l2base.zip.  That
archive contains a lot of documentation files and the LaTeX source
files packaged in .dtx files.

If you want to unpack LaTeX2e yourself (instead of installing
l2input.zip), type the following commands after unpacking l2base.zip:

    cd \emtex\dist\latex\base
    tex386 /i unpack.ins
    latex2e autoload.ins
    inst2e \emtex

Instead of tex386, you might have to use one of the other emTeX
executables, such as tex or texp.  Note that this procedure does not
create format files, therefore it does not matter what executable you
apply to unpack.ins (the faster the better, however).  Instead of
`latex2e' you can use TeX with plain.fmt; INITEX won't work.

The `inst2e' batch file copies the files required for running LaTeX2e
to the `texinput\latex2e' and `idxstyle' subdirectories of the
directory given as argument.  If directories `\emtex\texinput\latex2e'
or `\emtex\idxstyle' already exist, you'll get one or two error
messages indicating that directories could not be created.  Ignore
these error messages but not any other error messages.

After unpacking LaTeX2e and running `inst2e', you can save some disk
space by deleting files in \emtex\dist\latex\base.  However, you
might want to read the documentation files in that directory first.

If you want to delete the files from \emtex\texinput\latex2e when
installing a new version of LaTeX2e, either delete the files before
applying TeX to the *.ins files or after running `inst2e'. If you
delete the files between those two steps, texsys.cfg will be missing.

You can find further information on installation of LaTeX2e in

Sample autoexec.bat for DOS

This is but an excerpt, do not overwrite your autoexec.bat file with
this sample!  You don't have to use upper-case letters.

SET EMTEXED=q %%2 -n%%1

Sample config.sys for OS/2

This is but an excerpt, do not overwrite your config.sys file with
this sample!  You don't have to use upper-case letters.

SET EMTEXED=emacsclient +%1 %2

                  -------- End of INSTALL.ENG -------------